6 March 2007

After the fit...

Life sucks at the moment...I've gone and injured my calf muscle, or the tendon attached to the muscle above the ankle on my left leg. And that sucks... As if I don't have enough shit to deal with besides a body breaking down two weeks before the half marathon. At least I've found someone to run the City-Pier-City with, which should keep me going. I have to try and rest the leg, and that's quite easy when it rains all day, but I feel like a caged animal in a zoo pacing along the boundaries. DON'T FEED THE ANIMALS... But I'm stubborn and stupid enough to not fail, always have been, always will be. Everyone warns me that there is such a thing as responsible running, which is bullshit, because there is no such thing as doing things in such extremes and doing them responsibly...The body is weak, yet the mind is determined.

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