1 March 2007

The Natural Highs Gained Through Exercise...

In a world filled with drugs few people realise that any form of exercise creates the best high on a budget. Just to get some politics with drugs straightened out. Holland has a tolerant policy towards soft drugs, they are not fully legalised. Basically, you're allowed to have 5 grams of soft drugs in your possession at any one time, and each household is allowed to grow 5 marijuana plants in their backyard or greenhouse if they want to and only get arrested if the policeman is in a really bad mood, or you're causing some form of unrest. I'm sure that neighbours with little kids aren't going to be too pleased with you growing your weed outside their kid's bedroom window, and the "oregano" excuse doesn't work as well as it used to, so don't piss off more people than necessary when growing your own stash. This gedoog (tolerant) policy has made drugs (at least soft drugs and other 'natural' drugs like magic mushrooms) much less of a problem in Holland, and contrary to belief we are not a generation thats permanently stoned because drugs are easily available. If anything there are less problems with drugs because its not that special to smoke a splif in Holland.

Back to serotonins...formally known as 5-HT, its a neurotransmitter or chemical made by the brain and affects the body temperature, mood (its an anti-depressant), sleep, appetite, and sex drive. To get an extreme rush of serotonin take an XTC pill because XTC stimulates the brain to produce massive amounts of serotonin. The production of serotonin in the brain during exercise leads to a so-called "runner's high", one more reason to run. The second drug produced through exercise is dopamine. Dopamine is a "feel good" drug or chemical which other drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and marijuana induce or copy. Dopamine can also be copied by using coffee, cigarettes or alcohol.
If you haven't experienced a dopamine rush through exercise or any of the above drugs you've probably experienced it through engaging in a different form of exercise, sex. Unfortunately, the levels of dopamine and serotonin decrease the longer you're together, after about 3 months of great highs you're less likely to experience those fantastic rushes. So get exercising to keep those drugs circulating and the libido going.

So remember, while its raining outside and you're laying on the couch or any other place with your significant other experiencing dopamine and serotonin highs, spare a thought for me running in that same rain trying to get a little high as well.

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