2 March 2007

Top 5 niggling injuries you get from running...

This is my second Top 5 list. Although I'm not much of a fan of lists they can be good to warn or show stuff more clearly. So here's my list of niggling (small) injuries that you might get when training for a long run:
  1. Bleeding nipples: Maybe a little too personal, but this injury is extremely irritating and caused by your shirt rubbing against your nipples while you run.
  2. Nails falling off: If you wear shoes that are too small, you're going to get stubbed or blue toes, and eventually your toenails might fall off, buy running shoes that are a size larger than normal.
  3. Shin splits: Its an injury thats caused by the constant pounding on your shin bones from running on hard surfaces, 4 times your bodyweight goes through your heels and legs at impact.
  4. Whiplash: Not the whiplash in your nek, but in your calves. Can just shoot down your calf muscle if you don't warm up or stretch properly.
  5. Nagging pain caused by tight muscles: As you train your muscles in your legs get stronger and bigger. If you don't stretch properly those muscles pull on your tendons and joints causing a continuous pain. STRETCH, STRETCH, STRETCH, is the only remedy.
From personal experience all these small injuries really stink and are extremely irritating. Warm up and stretch is the only remedy to keeping injury free. You can prevent injury number 1 by using vasaline. Enjoy your running...

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